Saturday, March 15, 2008

Small Business Computer Consulting: Additional Qualifications for the Sweet Spot

To find the ideal clientele for your small business computer consulting, you want to target small businesses by their number of PC s, (10 to 50) as well as their revenue. Generally, companies that have anywhere from 1 million to 10 million in revenue are the sweet spot of small business computer consulting. In this article, you ll learn why you should target this type of business. Tip: Of course if you re located in Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, or any of the other more than 21 nations around the globe where our training has been adapted, be sure to convert this to your local currency. (See>) Beware of the high end of this range Once small businesses get to the high end of that revenue range, where they start having substantially more than 50 PCs, or substantially more than $10 million in annual sales, often the small business owners lean towards putting a real, salaried IT person on payroll instead of using a small business computer consulting professional. That s when you start running into some tough competition. At this point, your client will add up your services invoices and try to figure out if they can do it cheaper or more efficiently in-house. Look for clients that need a real server Another important aspect is to find small business clients that are big enough to need a real dedicated server. Once small businesses need a real server, they need a ton of other professional services to go along with it. And it s very unlikely they can handle it on their own, with just an internal guru. Bingo-you become their outsourced IT department! Multiple locations are a bonus Sometimes a sweet spot client has one location. A lot of times there s a main office and some branch offices. The branch offices present a big opportunity for your small business computer consulting because there s usually a HUGE need for sharing data in real time among employees in different locations.
The Bottom Line about Small Business Computer Consulting In this article, you ve been learned more about how to find the sweet spot in your small business computer consulting business.
About the Author
Joshua Feinberg helps computer consultant business owners get steady, high-paying clients. Sign-up now for Joshua s free audio training that shows you how to use field-tested, proven Small Biz Tech Talk tools at

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